Comparability of qualification levels 8 levels - descriptors of the qualifications levels in the NQF are identical to the EQF level descriptors, only state recognized qualifications are included into the NQF --- The higher education standard (HES) has 3 levels - corresponding professional standard
Use of learning outcomes in HE & CE learning outcomes based on qualification standard (curriculum or professional standard)
National legislation on EQF levels 5-8 no information - For the NQF the principles and procedures of assessment are defined in the corresponding ministerial decree - amended Professions Act Sept 2008/ HE standard approved in August 2007
Level of implementation of NQF ongoing work proposed milestones in 2010 and 2012
Recognition of prior learning The NQF level cannot be assigned to the qualifications which have not received state recognition or are undefined e.g. partial qualifications or individual competences
e-Learning implementation The Learning Tiger 2006 – 2009: Universities are responsible for updating the teacher training curriculum to meet the needs of the information society, 3 EDEN members
Openness to virtual mobility WHO usage yes, a few barriers reported