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Applying The Senses

The easiest way to find a solution to your problem is to set intention. For example, when I read the students’ questions on the twelve senses, eg. how to apply, I didn’t try to figure out a way. Instead, I just knew that the solution would come to me. But you can do it in several different ways. For example, you can subtly throw the question out and expect an answer to show up. I can explain how intentions work at the molecular level, but that would be a digression to this article.

To generalize, there is one question that is consistently asked by many of the students, that is, how to actually use the knowledge and the senses, how to dive into the unconscious, etc. In other words, it’s a question on application.

Before I go on to give you practical steps, I want to tell you that different individuals work differently, so the same procedure may not work exactly the same way on everybody, which is why I didn’t give much practical guidance in my lectures, because the practical guidance needs to be followed through with the individuals, so there is a higher level of commitment (time and effort) required from both sides–teacher and student. I am happy to commit, so you just show up when you are ready.


On the question of how to use the senses to deal with a situation or problem, first is to perceive and register the information you pick up. Second is to keep registering while separating the perceived from the perceiver–this is release.

Let’s take the example of difficulty with interpersonal interaction in a team. If you are already feeling some discomfort or unease when you’re in the team, then you have already done the first step. And if you are already at the stage where you have a disagreement with your teammates, or you are silently compromising by not arguing or taking on more workload, etc., then you are already allowing those information to manifest into your physical reality. Remember, those atoms and molecules that were previously circulating inside you as feelings are now outside of you as problems, because they move at the speed of light, traveling through walls, through bloodstreams, etc., so the longer you stay in that situation, the more they circulate between you and your team, and each circulation is a “dump” of your atoms and molecules onto them (the overall team, the individual teammates, the team project, etc.), depending on where you put your attention, that’s where you are dumping.

These molecular activities are happening at the unconscious level. The way you move them from unconscious to conscious, is through your perception. You sense them.

Let’s say you’re facing a problem right now. How do you feel about it? Very pessimistic? Just want to quit, hide, run away? Or feeling completely clueless and stuck and powerless and helpless? These are actually the information within the atoms and molecules that you’re feeling. Whatever the information you’re consciously picking up at this point, do not identify with it. Meaning, they are not you; you are the one that is doing the perceiving. This is step two. Distance yourself from what you are feeling, instead of becoming what you feel. An example of the latter would be, you want to quit, and so you quit–you become what you’re perceiving. That’s the power of the atoms and molecules inside you.

Now we know that the atoms and molecules can make things happen, for good and for bad, we want to harness their potential to serve us. But this doesn’t mean to change your thoughts or feelings. Don’t make an effort to change or switch them, because otherwise you will be applying force onto those atoms and molecules instead of releasing them.

To release them is to move them from unconscious to conscious. So once you have consciously registered them, just observe. Do nothing. Don’t fight it. Just acknowledge them. Be neutral. Because you need to be in a state of balance as you do the release.

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Above is a bit of theory on how to release imbalanced energies. The more perceptive you are, the more you can release. But at the same time, perceptivity is affected by degree of use (practice), and by level of imbalanced energies clogging up the sensory organs and sensory pathways.

On the last point, take for example someone who is always chasing respect. Most likely that they have large amount of imbalanced energies (atoms and molecules of disrespect) stuffed up along their sensory pathways and sensory organs, such that when their sensory organs are converting the information during a personal interaction, they keep converting the information to disrespect. It’s not that the external person or situation is trying to disrespect them per se, but because they keep perceiving it within themselves, and then they start to act a certain way which makes the other person want to disrespect them, sometimes it’s not that the other person has that intention but they just have to respond in a certain way if they’re spoken to in a certain way, and so very quickly the interaction can go south, leading to misunderstanding, and in worse case scenarios, to actual disrespect.

It may be hard at first to notice this within yourself, if you have imbalanced energies clogging up your system, because it becomes your default mode, your default psychological vantage point that you operate in as you interact with those around you. It forms your modus operandi, so you think everything is right and fine. This is a state of imbalance.

If you have strong feelings of injustice or unfairness, then you have a group of imbalanced energies within you. Because if you don’t have it, you will only know of it as a concept, you wouldn’t know it personally and intimately well as if you have actually experienced it yourself. So if you feel it intensely, that means the collection of imbalanced energies within you has a very strong electromagnetic charge, which means it will take you longer to release.

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Practical Application:

Here’s a more concrete suggestion on how to use your senses to address some of your problems: document them, regularly.

Whatever it is you are perceiving now, you write them down. Then one day later, or one hour later, you go back to touch this problem, and see how you feel about it. You can do this qualitatively or quantitatively. Quantitative would be more like rating on a scale from 1 to 10.

Do it continuously. Because each instance of perception is a picture at a point in time, whereas a regular and continuous perception produces a movie over a period of time.

The only constant in life is change.

Even if you do absolutely nothing to the problem, and don’t even bother to release its imbalanced energies, the fact that you and everything around you are changing by the second, you should notice a change over a period of time on the same problem. It may get worse, but don’t panic. I’m trying to use this procedure to switch you out of your habitual identification with the underlying atoms and molecules. If you start establishing a conscious habit of distancing yourself from the imbalanced energies by simply observing them, or analyzing them, you are reducing their power.

The key to this exercise is to observe, and the emphasis is to keep observing. The difference between the two is like pressing the button and keep pressing down on the button.

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A More Advanced Application:

With the above prescription, you would have a line graph. Here, you can add depth and breadth to your graph, by going deeper into your perception.

Let’s say, you cannot push your idea out. You try to voice it, but it falls on deaf ears, it is dismissed, misunderstood, shot down, or you struggle even to get it out of your mouth. So now you have experienced a block to putting yourself out there. You may have the pattern of trying and trying and trying. If it works, then you don’t need to do this exercise, but if it still fails, then you have accumulated a bigger block, with emotions, pessimism, etc.

So every time you touch on this problem, you feel the block. Go deeper into the block. What do you feel? Anger, frustration, unfairness, disrespect, indignation, etc.? You may have images of childhood experiences coming up. Whatever it is, just bring it up. Then go deeper, and deeper, and deeper.

Each level that you clear will help reduce the magnitude, complexity, and intensity of your problem.

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Above is just the basics. There are other techniques, depending on your circumstances, but I can’t write a text book in this space. The twelve senses is a subset of a large body of knowledge that intertwines with it. I studied this by first learning the foundational knowledge that it rests upon. It is a subject with wide applications. But like any other subjects, you need to build on the knowledge base and skill level before you can harvest its value and potential. Feel free to contact me directly if you need more guidance, or check out on the new course that we are rolling out with more introduction of the twelve senses!

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