Do you know the Pay-it-forward concept?
Maybe you know the movie “Pay it forward”. If you do, you pretty much know what the concept is about. In one sentence: You do something for someone who did something for you that you could not do for yourself. In gratitude for often an immense positive impact on your live, you pay it forward to three other people. This is the goodwill movement the about 12-year-old Trevor starts with the aim to impact the entire world.
I very much believe in the Pay-it-forward concept because the things we can not do for ourselves are usually world changing experiences, but we can do them for others. The world can certainly be transformed by all of us joining in with a small act of gratitude for other people.
This is my why I give regular Pay-it-forward sessions at the Life Coach University. They are free for everyone to attend and listeners pay it foward to others and, most of all, share their Pay-it-forward stories with us. Inspiring stories are rolling in every day.
In the session held on 16 Nov 2021 at min 02:53 I talk about failing and how the sentence “I’m afraid of failing” is basically setting you up for failure. If you replace just one word, the entire thing flips you upside down and completely changes your inner setting towards failing. Here are the lines that got a lot of attention:
“If you replace the word failing with learning, I’m afraid of learning and then you’re like, what, I’m afraid of learning?”
Why would I be afraid of learning?
How can I be afraid of learning?
I can not.
You would not.
Press the button and exchange the word.
Thanks for your time
Inspirational regards
You can watch the entire 16 Nov 2021 session here
join the next LIVE session here.