Der Blog, der Kultur erlebbar macht.

An evening that shakes your world

Building bridges is about the exchange of knowledge, shared values and thought leadership.

It always starts with a personal connection, a shared experience – like a traditional Hanami under the cherry blossom trees!

This is as important in business as in privat life.

Actually for me there is no difference, because the ONLY REAL currency is CONNECTION.

Doing something meaningful with your life, being happy and leaving a footprint or impact as a legacy, is the cornerstone of my motivation … delivered daily.

The WHAT that drives us … do you think it is different across the countries and regions of the world? Maybe not … we all want to create a better life for ourselves and our loved ones.

Being able to actually do that, is nothing anyone of us can do alone. We need others, we need to complement each others skills and competencies. 

Meeting influential leaders from different countries, share perspectives and build trust is invaluable, the people you want to have in your networks  – this is something that feels like GOLD to me.

That`s why I am so happy that I met Callam Fletcher, the person who started and leads ASIA SERIES




Sachio Semmoto AsiaSeries



From a BS in Engineering from Kyoto University, a PhD in Engineering from University of Florida to founder of four leading telecom companies including KDDI Corporation and eAccess employing over 35,000 people.

Dr. Semmoto joined RENOVA as an External Board Member in 2014, becoming Chairman in 2015. Prior to RENOVA, he founded four leading telecom companies including KDDI Corporation and eAccess. KDDI is capitalised at $60bn and employs over 35,000 people.

He was a board member of NetApp, Inc., a major Computer Storage Devices company based in California. He was also a full professor at Keio University, a visiting professor of Carnegie Mellon University and University of California, Berkeley.

H.E. Ambassador Etsuro Honda of the Japanese Embassy will be present at this event.

Use the unique opportunity to meet Semmoto-san in Zurich – Your last minute TICKET



Reserve your tickets


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