or … getting into the driver seat!
I think we all know this … feeling like you are not in the driver seat of life.
Is someone else driving?
Is some kind of robot controlling the direction (and you do not find the Stop button)?
Are the circumstances or things in your environment controlling the car?
Whatever it is in your life – I recommend you to get out of it and start creating your own reality.
After one year of business mentorship with Kane & Alessia Minkus, my life is completely different.
- The most important is that fun and joy are part of my day again.
- Clarity not only about where to go business-wise but also where I came from has made a huge difference.
- The uplifting part felt every day is the network of heart-based mindful business owners from all around the world I am now a part of – the power of bringing people together is not only inspiring but aligned with my purpose on this planet.
A huge THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!
…. what does the title have to do with this?
Visualization is key in a more and more digital world. This is the reason why headlines and titles need to create a picture in your reader’s minds. With the title choosen so that you see a car in your mind – something that moves and gets you were you want to go.
A business coach – mentor is doing just that … if you doubt why, check what Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt said about that.
Investing in oneself is not so easy to do (at least for some of us) but the best return on investment you can get – seeing the journey until now, the investment into this “car” was worth it.
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