This year we had the record of groups and participants at the start and also at the end – this means that only 4 groups of out 27 did not reach the goal.
What is exceptional is that several groups contacted me with the news that they will actually pursue their project as a business venture and could already connect with potential partners for the implementations. Other reported that their projects are used for their thesis or that the Creativity Engineering work lead to a internship in a company.

Great to hear these news!
Even more interesting is when alumni stay in touch after their Creativity Engineering course and let us know about the ventures they started based on the seed that was planted at the Vienna University of Technology.
Sometimes there is a long incubation period but the virus did find a host … 🙂 – here is one case to share with you:
I want to congratulate Johana who was at the Creativity Engineering Summer School I was teaching in Vienna in 2012. I am very happy to see that Creativity Engineering was part of the road to lead her to become the Cofounder and Director of C-INNOVA.
Happy to hear from all your ventures …
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