Tina Seelig – a Neuroscientist by education, a catalyzer by profession. She challenges your assumption by putting out simple ground rules for triggering creativity.
Take the time to listen to her talk on TED
A crash course in creativity: Tina Seelig at TEDxStanford
Inside: Knowledge – Imagination – Attitude
Outside: Resource – Habitat – Culture
~ woven together
The parts of the innovation engine – or how to increase imagination:
1. Framing and reframing problems
Determines the type of answer you will get
2. Connecting and combining ideas
Putting together what is not obvious or does not really match
3. Challenging assumptions
You need to get deeper in your innovation engine:
- Pay attention
- Use your knowledge
- Have the right attitude to spark your creativity
Take all in to make a quilt maker
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyM6rx69iqg&w=300]
“Nothing can be looked at in isolation”
Tina Seelig