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WOO HOO – A glimpse into CE ideas

woohooWS 2014/15: Great student participation, great atmosphere, great results … energy felt.

Several projects with a product prototype or even on the market already as a result of previous lecture. Impact of the class is growing. Recommendations from previous classes echos.

I liked this one:

Woo Hoo – We give teachers more time to teach
-> a software used by 16 paying schools and more than 10.000 users.

Student Feedback

“Teams are able to create a higher quality outcome than you could do alone as everyone can submit something and you can support each other. I hope that I can contribute to the group by keeping track of our work and analyzing the process.”

“Not only did we create a (more or less plausible) business plan, but also had the chance to present our idea and receive constructive feedback. Furthermore we learned more about our strengths and weaknesses, and how to use and cope with them. “

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