For finding inspiration and learning from others I follow a couple of blogs on a regular basis. I found them during several years of following like minded people in social media platforms, newsletters or on their personal blogs.
One of them is James Altucher. He is quite interesting, his writing style is not fully what I prefer but when you stick to it and read his full articles I usually find something that is completing a puzzle I am putting together, confirming an opinion that I thought only I have or is a building block for something I am working on.
I want to present this term to you “Permission Networking” he coined.
I am doing a lot of permission networking. In my network I often come across two people I know who I think should meet each other. The thought might come just like that. Sometimes it is triggered, when a persons asks me a question – I usually know just the right person for this specific question. This is nothing new for me, even before the Internet. [Yes, I still remember a time without the Internet.] Now with social media platforms and after having worked internationally for many years, this has increased tremendously.
So if there are two people I think should meet each other, I will approach the person and ask for the permission to connect them: “I know XY who I think shares a common interest with you. This is why … . ” In the majority of cases, I will make the connection.
I fully agree with James reasoning behind this, he says:
“My network is not the list of how many people I know. THE STRENGTH OF MY NETWORK IS HOW WELL EVERYONE I KNOW HELPS EACH OTHER. Most people don’t know this important principle.”
Spread the word so that more people more people know this important principle !