Comparability of qualification levels The framework has five levels; three of which are undergraduate and two are postgraduate.
Use of learning outcomes in HE & CE The FHEQ is a learning outcomes based structure.
National legislation on EQF levels 5-8 not mentioned
Level of implementation of NQF There is a Framework for HE Qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (FHEQ), the comprehensive Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) and A Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales (CQFW). Scotland has begun the referencing of the SCQF to the EQF. A UK HE sector working group concluded in April 2009 that the FHEQ should not be referenced against the EQF.
Recognition of prior learning not mentioned
e-Learning implementation many programs and initiative to change to a knowledge society, Becta leads the national drive to improve learning through technology. 13 EDEN members, 7 EADL members
Openness to virtual mobility WHO usage yes, few barriers reported