Comparability of qualification levels The Klasius has an eight-level structure with two sublevels (at levels 6 and 8).
Use of learning outcomes in HE & CE The learning outcomes approach is already well embedded in the Slovene educational system and generally well accepted
National legislation on EQF levels 5-8 Act Governing the Procedure of Recognizing Qualifications of Nationals of EU Member States, the European Economic Area and Swiss Confederation Relating to Access to Regulated Professions and Professional Activities in the Republic of Slovenia (Uradni list RS, No 21/2002, 92/2007, 85/2009)
Level of implementation of NQF Decree on the introduction and use of the classifications system of education and training (Klasius) (OG, No 46/2006) providing the formal basis for building the NQF. There are at least four subsystems in Slovenia, which are insufficiently linked.
Recognition of prior learning not mentioned
e-Learning implementation 3 EDEN members
Openness to virtual mobility WHO usage, some barriers reported