Comparability of qualification levels The number of levels and their descriptors are currently being discussed.
Use of learning outcomes in HE & CE The learning outcomes approach has received relatively limited attention in the Polish system so far.
National legislation on EQF levels 5-8 The referencing report is expected to be prepared in 2011.
Level of implementation of NQF A draft proposal on a Polish NQF was expected towards the end of 2009. The development of the qualifications framework for HE resulted in proposals by the Ministry for R & HE for amendments to the Law on higher education. No firm date set for completion but intention to follow the deadlines. The referencing report is expected to be prepared in 2011.
Recognition of prior learning There is also no system of validation of non-formal and informal learning outcomes, but important elements of such a system may be defined already now.
e-Learning implementation 5 EDEN members
Openness to virtual mobility WHO usage, numerous barriers reported