Comparability of qualification levels 8 level structure, the EQF descriptors, based on knowledge, skills and competence are used as a starting point and the basis to develop the NQF
Use of learning outcomes in HE & CE A ‘qualification profile’, describes learning outcomes for each module was introduced by the University Act (Universitätsgesetz) in 2002.
National legislation on EQF levels 5-8 Policy paper to devise the strategy for the Austrian NQF implementation, In higher education.
Level of implementation of NQF Planned to be designed and implemented by 2010, draft and final referencing reports are expected to be prepared by the end of 2010
Recognition of prior learning NQF planned to integrate non-formal and informal learning - Also without attending school it is possible to take an upper secondary school-leaving exam (Reifeprüfung or Reife- und Diplomprüfung
e-Learning implementation 4 EDEN members, 3 EADL members, universities act on individual basis and work on integrating e-learning into their courses and modules, usually as part of a Center for Teaching and Learning / CTL
Openness to virtual mobility WHO usage yes, minimal barriers reported